Maine Website Design & Development

Website Design & Development made with fine Maine craftsmanship

Generate more traffic, leads, and sales with a custom-made, responsive website.

Questions to Ask Your Web Designer

No matter who you choose to design and build your next website, here are some important questions you should ask, as well as our answers when someone asks us.

Will my site be optimized for Google and other search engines?

At flyte, search engine optimization isn’t an afterthought, it’s part of our DNA. We’ve been practicing and perfecting SEO longer than most companies have been in business.

We’ll run keyword research, optimize current pages, and even bring in an SEO copywriter to write persuasive copy that also ranks well at Google…whatever it takes to bring you more of your ideal customers.

How else will you help me drive traffic to my website?

Beyond SEO, we work with companies–small businesses right up to enterprise-level corporations–to create engaging social media content that builds brand awareness and drives traffic. We also run effective digital ads at search engines and on your favorite social media channels that target your ideal customers and drive them to your home page, landing page, or registration page.

How will my website convert visitors into customers?

There’s a lot that gets people to make a “buying decision” at your website. Strong branding, custom photography and videography, and powerful copywriting will all help your customer or client on their journey to choosing you.

Whether you bring your own assets to the table or you need flyte to create, procure, or curate the elements that lead to a sale, they’ll all be implemented for maximum impact.

Will my website be mobile-friendly (responsive)?

Yes! We’ve been building responsive websites for nearly a decade. You site will look–and work–as well on a mobile-device as it does on the 48″ flat screen monitor our Creative Director convinced us was critical to his creative process.

Whether on a smartphone, tablet, or computer, your website will be working for you day in, day out, month after month and for years on end.

Will I be able to update my website myself?

Absolutely. Your website will be built on WordPress, the world’s most popular content management system (CMS). You’ll be able to add, edit, and delete copy, photos, video, menu items, and even entire pages.

Our web developers build with customized content areas to make updating your website a snap and ensuring consistency from page to page. We also include training for you and your team before the site launches and we’re happy to do additional training whenever you need it.

How much does a website cost?

Website costs can vary greatly depending on features, functionality, size, and a host of other variables. We’ve launched sites recently for under 10K and others that topped six figures.

That being said, most of our clients spend between 15K – 20K for a website that pays for itself in no time.

How long does it take to build a website?

Again, this can depend greatly on the complexity of the website, what functionality you need, the amount of content marketing that needs to be created, the level of SEO desired, and a dozen other factors. Most of our clients launch their websites within 2 – 6 months from their kickoff.


Brands that trust flyte

How do we get started?

Reach out and talk to one of our website and digital marketing specialists for a free consult and let’s help you take flyte.

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